Book an appointment.
Tell us a little about what services you are interested in.
Booking Information
Business Hours:
M-F: 9-5
Appointment Dates
Due to the nature of the wedding industry, client trial run appointments are generally only made on weekdays and not weekends. Weekends are reserved for the weddings and events, themselves. Thank you for your understanding!
A travel fee is added if your wedding is outside the 20 mile radius of Asheville, NC. We love to take an adventure, consider us for your destination wedding
Please contact us within 24 hours of your scheduled studio appointment for any cancellations. You will be charged in full for cancellations with less than 24 hours notice.
Wedding services require payment in full within 30 days of your scheduled event.
Our weekends can book out, up to a year in advance, Memorial Day weekend and Saturday’s in May and October even further out. If you want us to be a part of your day don’t hesitate to start your booking process.
To reserve Powder Me Pretty for your day we require a $100 non-refundable deposit per service type booked.
Visit Us
257 Broadway Street, Suite 305
Asheville, NC 28801
(828) 301-2468
The address is 257 Broadway Street, Suite 305, Asheville NC 28801.
Powder Me Pretty is located in the street level storefront spaces of the building called “The Harrison.” PMP is across the street from the 5 Points restaurant and Napa Auto Parts.
The designated parking lot is the upper right side (when facing it) lot of Napa - across the street from Little Jumbo.